There is nothing that needs to be done in the OnBase software for time changes. The software relies on the server's system environment/locale settings for displaying times. Where necessary, the software writes times in UTC in the database, and ...
This issue occurs when the OnBase Configuration client encounters the native memory limit for 32-bit applications. OnBase Configuration is bound by 32-bit memory limits and can only access 2 GB of RAM. Having other applications and processes running ...
The "Network Security" settings are made available in OnBase Configuration when OnBase Configuration is accessed with a shortcut that has the -ROMANZO switch. Per the "-ROMANZO" section of the Command Line Switches MRG: "This switch is used for ...
To resolve this issue, the "User Group Administrator" privilege needed to be selected for the specified user. This option gives the ability to configure rights for all user groups, including user groups of which the user is not a member. This can be ...
See attached documents and article...workaround performed on Customers workstation resolved issue until switchover to https:// chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure