ABBYY Email Import not working
Customer reported that the email import was not importing anything for a specific email inbox.
After looking into the task logs on the Processing Server Monitor we reported the following error message.
Exchange folder '/Inbox/ABBYY Import' is inaccessible.
This could be caused by a few different things.
- The username or password is incorrect for the email import.
- The exchange server the import is configured for is unavailable.
- The folder in the mailbox has been deleted or the name of the folder was changed in Outlook.
To determine the cause of the issue try logging into Outlook with the credentials provided. This help show that the issue lies outside of ABBYY FC.
- If you receive an authentication error you can assume that the login credentials provided are no longer valid.
- If you can log in, make sure that the folder that ABBYY is pointed to is still available. If not please update the folder name or add the folder that the import configuration is pointing to.
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